I’m trying to put together a picture book!

I have started working on my first picture book! After looking at all the photos that I have taken and done virtually zero with I decided I wanted to put them to use in a book filled with half pictures and the other half my 2nd love, poetry! I’ve been doing both of theses for quite some time so I decided i’d try to put both of these together (which is also how I came up with the title) and see how it turned out. The book will be in a landscape format with a picture on one side and a poem on the other. Here is an example.


I started out by looking online for a self publishing website and came across one called blurb.com I looked around a bit to see what it was all about, downloaded some software and after that I was up and Writing! you can sell through them as well which I like a lot as it helps keep everything fairly simple. The software Makes it super easy to make a cover, choose what kind of layout you want, add pictures, decide what kind of paper you want to use, how many pages you want and of course how much you want to sell your book for.


with every poem I finish and include I find myself getting more and more excited about the finished product! I can’t wait to hold the very first product in my hand and tell you all about the other half of the website!

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